Sin É Presents

James Lonergan

James Lonergan will bring the house down at Sin É on Friday 10th December 2021
James Lonergan is back to play one of his favourite stages, Sin É. Like all of us, the past two years have been a transformative time for the colorful and multilayered musician. The amicable breakup of his former musical canvas, the renowned prog-rock band Synk, has led to a period of unimaginably fertile growth and experimentation for Lonergan.

He has since released five dynamic and impressive singles in the last 12 months under his own name (Brendan Vale, Tip The Can, Braid, Joop, ohno). Each single is self produced and reflects bold experimentation of style; from rock to folktronica over to psychedelic dark dance. As well as releasing, Lonergan is evolving his live show to best express his wonderfully distinctive creations.

Expect a compelling show presented with playfulness rolled up into a spirited exploration of the musical breath of James Lonergan.

Upcoming Gigs

Find Us

  • 14/15 Upper Ormond Quay, Dublin 1, Co. Dublin
  • Opening Hours:
  • Tuesday to Sunday - 3pm 'til Late.
    Closed Mondays.
  • Call us at (01) 555 4036 or (01) 555 4037