Sin É Presents

Mute Fish – Paddies DAY Massacre

Jack of Diamonds Productions & Live At Sin E proudly present! We celebrate St. Patricks weekend with some musical mayhem from Irelands finest hardest working musical acts!!!

MUTEFISH are culturally diverse six piece band from Ireland, Poland, Lithuania, Portugal and Ukraine. They fuse the musical sounds and cultures of Eastern Europe with traditional Irish influences resulting in an engaging melodic compilation of tracks. Each band member brings their distinct musical backgrounds and tastes giving them their unique sound which makes it difficult to label their style or genre.

Upcoming Gigs

Find Us

  • 14/15 Upper Ormond Quay, Dublin 1, Co. Dublin
  • Opening Hours:
  • Tuesday to Sunday - 3pm 'til Late.
    Closed Mondays.
  • Call us at (01) 555 4036 or (01) 555 4037