Sin É Presents

Pete Johnson & The Screwball + Chow Mein presents


Pete Johnson has just released his 5 th Album entitled “SCREWBALL” This album is a through back to when Pete was in Rumble, a power pop punk band renowned for Pete’s crazy on stage antics. Rumble had lots of success signing with Dublin based record label Dead Elvis records, they went on to do serval tours of Europe, have two albums and join the halls of fame doing a John Peel session in 1995. Pete has vowed to bring back the on stage energy again as he begins touring to promote his new album with his backup band entitling the new line up as “Pete Johnson and the Screwball”. The album SCREWBALL is a concept album with ever song having a connection to
raising awareness for metal heath issues, his new video shot in his kitchen conveys the energy that Pete will bring to the stage when he begins to promote the album. The songs are a mix of Rock, Reggae, Ska and Power Pop Punk with lots of energy
and well-crafted material. Pete also brought back some of his musician friends from yesteryear to play on the album with the likes of Robbie Sharkey from Rumble and Donnchadh “Knieval” Grant from the MO7S getting in on the act. Pete’s Last album “GET ON WITH IT” was a more eclectic mix of material with some deep emotional songs with hints of Folk, and some upbeat acoustic based songs. SCREWBALL is a big departure from that with fast and furious lyrics and none stop

power this will be an album and live act not to be missed in 2019.


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  • 14/15 Upper Ormond Quay, Dublin 1, Co. Dublin
  • Opening Hours:
  • Tuesday to Sunday - 3pm 'til Late.
    Closed Mondays.
  • Call us at (01) 555 4036 or (01) 555 4037